Ottima Group
Commodity Boards
For Research and Promotion Commodity Boards, Marketing Orders and Trade Associations
Ottima Group allows R&Ps, Marketing Orders and Trade Associations to tap into 12 years of hands-on experience in setting up and leading a USDA-governed Research and Promotion Commodity Programs. In addition our expertise includes decades of experience as a leader in Trade Associations, this extensive expertise and significant skill set developed in the peanut and lumber and forest products industries.
We bring all the tools an R&P, Marketing Order or Trade Association needs to succeed with a cost-effective price structure you can afford. It allows you to maximize your producer or stakeholder investments.
By using us on specific projects, your R&P, Marketing Order or Trade Association can benefit with our ability to provide you with continuous, consistent messaging and message development, extending your reach and depth of presence in the marketplace, maximizing your staffing, leveraging your internal team’s skills to enhance the contribution of effort.

A full knowledge of the USDA rules governing these types of programs there is no learning curve; we can help you maximize your program and your dollars. In areas such as:
Board Policies and Procedures
Strategic and Business Planning
Business and Data Analysis
Board Governance and on-boarding sessions
Employee Policies and Procedures, training
Marketing and Promotion Planning and Execution
Budget and Compliance Services
Program Reviews and Evaluation
Marketing Plans and Trade Promotions
Crisis and Reputation Management
Communications and investor/grower communications audits and execution of programs
Research processes, programs and systems for tracking and evaluations
Project management
Events, meetings and seminars
Media and social media
Crisis management / Reputation management
Motivational training